
You may be wondering where Botox fits in at the dental office. While Botox is mostly known for being a cosmetic procedure, Botox actually has the potential for treatment of numerous dental-related conditions. Botox absolutely has a place in dental offices and can be used for much more than cosmetic purpose alone.

Due to its minimally invasive nature, the use of Botox in dentistry is expanding to treat dental conditions such as:

  • Patients who suffer from Temporal Mandibular Joint Disorder. Much of the pain associated with TMJ Disorder is due to muscular pain. Dentists are able to provide pain relief by using Botox to relax the muscles.

  • Bruxism (or grinding) and clenching. In addition to night guard appliances, Botox can help to reduce the force of muscular contractions involved.

  • High lip line or “gummy smile, without the need for periodontal surgery. Botox is injected to relax the lip muscles. While Botox results are temporary, it allows for a more immediate and less aggressive treatment option.

  • Patients who have dentures. Botox can be used to relax and retrain the muscles around a new denture making the transition easier and more successful.

This list does not include the cosmetic benefits that Botox can offer patients. While the cosmetic use of Botox in dental offices has been controversial, we strongly believe it will eventually become a mainstream practice in the dental field. We, as dental professionals, know better than anyone that while dentists have not traditionally performed these treatments in the past, they are highly trained and skilled in the field of facial anatomy and physiology.

Botox is favored as the treatment of choice for retaining a youthful appearance. For this reason, it has mainly been administered by plastic surgeons or dermatologists but as dental state dental boards are increasingly in support of allowing dentists to offer Botox treatments to patients, more dentists are seeking Botox training.

In 2010, Dr. Gary S Barker completed a hands on training and certification course for Botox and has been offering treatments in our office ever since. You can rest assured that you are in good hands.

So how does Botox work? Botox uses a special protein to block overactive nerve impulses which restricts muscle contractions. Botox treatments are quick and comfortable, and within hours you will begin to notice a difference in the way your skin looks and feels. Botox treatment is temporary and follow up appointments are necessary to maintain results. Once the Botox begins to wear off, the skin returns to the way it looked before treatment – or in cases of dental therapy – symptoms will return to what was experienced before treatment. Botox results vary and can last anywhere between one and six months.

Opt for Botox at our office and you will see results surprisingly quickly – no surgery, and no recovery time. Whether you are adjusting to dentures, suffer from TMJ issues, have a high lip line or facial wrinkles, the most affordable and timely means of beautification is through Botox at our Pasadena, MD dental practice. Botox can relieve any of the symptoms that make you feel less confident, and help you achieve a more youthful, radiant appearance.

If you would like to find out if you are a good candidate for a Botox treatment, and are interested in learning more, please contact our practice at 410-647-6453 to schedule a consultation. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.