Dentures & Denture Repairs

If you are missing several teeth or have tooth decay throughout your mouth, the dentist might suggest the use of full or partial dentures. Dentures replace missing teeth and they can be taken in and out of the mouth (removable). If you have remaining teeth in your mouth, Dentures can improve your oral health by preventing teeth from shifting into spaces where teeth are missing. Dentures also make it easier to chew through food.

If you are thinking about dentures, the best way to come to a decision is to request an appointment with Dr. Barker to schedule a consultation to review the best options for you. The different types of dentures will be discussed and Dr. Barker can recommend what is best for you.

Dentures fabricated in our office are custom dentures specifically designed to suit your smile and preferences. We work with a trusted lab that helps design the dentures to your specifications. The process of making a denture typically takes several weeks and several appointments. Our dentures are not economy dentures that can be fabricated the same day or in 2-3 days. Before you receive the final denture you will have an appointment for a “wax try-in” where the teeth are set in wax and you are able to try them in your mouth and make changes if desired. Only once you approve this step, the final denture will be fabricated.

  • Complete dentures are for patients with no teeth remaining or for someone who requires removal of all their remaining teeth. A complete denture replaces the entire arch of teeth and they are removable.

  • Partial dentures are recommended when several teeth are missing. A removable partial denture consists of replacement teeth attached to a pink-colored base, which is connected to a metal framework that holds the denture into place. Besides replacing missing teeth, partial dentures are essential as they prevent your remaining natural teeth from changing position.

  • Immediate dentures are pre-designed dentures that can be placed in your mouth immediately following the removal of your natural teeth. The purpose of an immediate denture is to replace missing teeth during the healing process so you are never without teeth. Immediate dentures require a reline following healing to accommodate the changes in the mouth (from healing).

  • Implant supported dentures use dental implants to support the force of your bite. Implants serve as a solid foundation to give you the most natural and effective bite possible. To ensure treatment is successful and will provide the best outcome, sometimes additional procedures are necessary, such as bone and soft tissue regeneration. These dentures are fixed-dentures (non-removable).

  • Implant retained dentures also use dental implants to support the force of your bite but most of the force is retained by the gums meaning fewer implants are required. Also known as an overdenture, it is a removable type of denture that sits atop of the gums supported by dental implants.

In our Pasadena, MD office, we also offer denture repairs. Sometimes only a simple repair is needed such as replacing a broken tooth, fixing a cracked denture/partial or adding a new tooth. If you have any sore spots, potentially resulting from the denture rubbing against mouth tissue or gums, we will perform denture adjustments for optimal comfort. In severe cases or specific cases where a new denture was made recently after having teeth removed, a denture reline or rebase may be necessary. A denture reline is a resurfacing of the denture side that touches the mouth’s soft tissues producing a better fit.

Though you may be tempted to repair your dentures yourself, we ask that you please refrain from doing so as it often makes problems worse which can result in more costly repairs.

Whether you are interested in new dentures, need a denture repair or require minor adjustments, we are here to do the work the right way on the first try. Individuals who are missing teeth, suffering from extensive tooth decay or in need of denture repairs are invited to reach out to our office at (410) 647-6453 to schedule an appointment.