IV Conscious Sedation

Dental anxiety should not stand in the way of continued oral health. Sadly, plenty of patients skip appointments at the dentist’s office due to anxiety. If you are fearful or anxious during dental procedures, you may benefit from IV conscious sedation.

IV conscious sedation is typically used for more involved procedures including dental implants, removal of impacted teeth and other types of oral surgery, but it can also be utilized for routine procedures for special needs patients and those who have an extreme fear of the dental office.

IV conscious sedation ensures you are completely relaxed throughout your dental procedure. Though IV conscious sedation does not cause you to enter into a complete sleep state, it does reduce your awareness of surroundings and many patients become so relaxed that sleep comes easily. Medication used during IV conscious sedation also has an analgesic effect and many patients often find their time in the chair to pass quickly and with only vague memories of being there.

Safety and comfort are our number one priority. Dr. Gary S Barker has undergone extensive training and education and is licensed to perform IV conscious sedation. Throughout the procedure, you can rest assured, you are in good hands. Your oxygen levels, blood pressure and heart rate are continuously monitored during the IV conscious sedation procedure. Medication is provided intravenously and dosage can be adjusted as necessary, depending on your needs.

Following an IV sedation appointment, patients are not allowed to drive and must make arrangements to have a family member or friend drive you home. You will also need to plan on not returning to work, or continuing normal activities for the remainder of the day. We will provide you with other post-surgical instructions as needed depending on your procedure.

To learn more about IV sedation or other sedation options, please contact our office at 410-647-6453.