Preventative Maintenance

Preventative dental maintenance is a proactive approach to keeping your teeth as healthy and beautiful as possible. For most patients, preventative care is recommended every six months but some patients require visits more often. When visiting our office, Dr. Gary S Barker will advise what he thinks is best for you and your oral health needs.

In our office, preventative maintenance includes:

  • A comprehensive examination;

    • A thorough clinical examination will be performed. In addition, Dr. Gary Barker will discuss your dental and medical history (including current medications), concerns, expectations and goals.

  • Oral cancer screening;

    • According to the National Cancer Institute, oral cancer screenings should occur before symptoms begin to show. This is why we perform this important examination at your preventative maintenance visits. The goal of an oral cancer screening is to identify mouth cancer early, when there is a greater chance for a cure.

  • Prophylaxis/cleaning;

    • A cleaning procedure will be performed to thoroughly clean the teeth. Prophylaxis is an important dental treatment for halting the progression of periodontal disease and gingivitis.

  • X-rays;

    • X-rays are taken for many reasons including monitoring growth and development and for detecting cavities that cannot be seen with the naked eye. X-rays provide a clear view in between the teeth and other areas which cannot be seen during a clinical examination.

  • Fluoride, if needed;

    • Fluoride is recommended for children and those who are a high risk for decay. During your visit we can discuss the benefits of a fluoride treatment for you.

  • Oral hygiene and home care instruction

    • Dr. Gary Barker will provide helpful information that sets the stage for you to do your part at home to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

If you have not been to the dentist’s office in the past six months for preventative maintenance, give us a call today at (410) 647-6453 to schedule an appointment. Even if you don’t have any glaringly obvious dental issues, you should still have six-month preventative maintenance performed.