
Natural teeth are always the most ideal for biting, chewing and maintaining mouth and jawbone structure which is why Dr. Barker’s first priority is to help restore, save and repair your natural teeth. Sometimes, however, a tooth extraction is unavoidable. When the damage is too severe to repair the tooth (or teeth), an extraction (or multiple extractions) is recommended. Here are some additional reasons why a tooth extraction might be necessary:

  • Decay or infection has reached deep into the tooth

  • Trauma or injury

  • Extra teeth

  • Baby teeth that don't fall out in time for the permanent teeth to come in

  • Orthodontic treatment might require tooth extraction to create room for the teeth as they move into place

  • Wisdom teeth, also called third molars, are often extracted either before or after they come in

  • Periodontal disease can cause teeth to loosen and require extraction

A tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth from the socket within the bone. Facing a tooth extraction may feel overwhelming and a little and nerve-wracking, but here at our Pasadena, MD office, we go to great lengths to ensure you are completely relaxed during the dental extraction process. Did you know that tooth removal is a relatively standard dental procedure? And we offer several sedation options, including Nitrous Oxide, Oral Conscious Sedation or IV Sedation. At your appointment, we can discuss these options with you to determine what might suite you and your needs best.

If you think you may need a tooth extraction (or multiple extractions), Dr. Gary S. Barker, DMD and staff will provide you with the high-quality dental care that you deserve. Tooth decay, infected gums, abscesses and other oral health problems can be incredibly uncomfortable. Don’t hesitate to call our office at 410-647-6453 to set up an appointment. We are here to help you restore your dental health!